Saturday, February 23, 2008

Past Events, Events with Kevin Falcon, Imagine 2020 @ UBC, and BELIEVE!

On February 14th, members from the UNBC BCYL attended a Premier's Dinner in Prince George. On the same day down in SFU, BCYL members gave away free hot chocolate and signed up many new members. On the 12th, members attended the Throne Speech Reception held in Victoria. From February 8th to the 10th, the BCYL continued it's Road to Victory in the Interior, dropping off over 4000 flyers. On the same day, enthusiastic UNBC BCYL members attended a UNBC Timberwolves game, sporting BCYL apparel. On the 5th, over 30 members made it out for the BCYL Super Tuesday Social to watch the US Super Tuesday Primaries. On January 26th, the BCYL hosted yet another Imagine 2020 Policy Session, this time in Prince George, and on the 23rd BCYL members made it to the BC Liberals South Island Breakfast in Victoria.

On the 29th of February and the 19th of March, the BCYL is holding two seperate socials with Minister of Transportation Kevin Falcon - the first held at Mahony & Son's Restaurant @ UBC and the second at Rusty's Pub in Cloverdale. Be sure to check the event pages for more details. The Minister recently announced a $14 billion transit plan, and either (or both!) of these events are a perfect opportunity for you to talk with the Minister about the plan - or any other issue on your mind.

On March 1, 2008, the UBC BCYL is holding an Imagine 2020 Policy Session. These policy sessions provide a great opportunity for youth to voice their concerns, generate ideas, and ultimately let their voices be heard! Even if you've already been to an Imagine 2020 policy session you're welcome to come to this one!

Finally, from March 20th to the 23rd (Easter Weekend), the BCYL will be hosting its first ever BELIEVE! BCYL Convention. This convention will train youth to be an effective part of the party in 2009 with a variety of skill training workshops. The BCYL has gone from a collection of volunteers to the most active youth organization in Canada and this convention will allow members to take their volunteer skills one step further and help ensure a BC Liberal government in 2009.

Keep your eyes peeled for more photos in the very near future!

P.S. - the flickr page is completely up-to-date and accessible at

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